Call for Papers 2024

The aim of ISAIS 2024 is to connect researchers from all disciplines related to Accounting Information Systems (AIS). Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, topics on the intersection of accounting and:

  • AIS development
  • internal control development
  • strategic information systems
  • cultural influences on AIS
  • business intelligence
  • decision aids
  • business process management
  • audit and assurance regarding AIS
  • RPA
  • continuous auditing and reporting
  • enterprise resource planning
  • knowledge management
  • XBRL
  • process mining
  • data-analytics
  • distributed ledgers
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Large Language Models

Key dates

Submission deadline

Notification of decision

Conference date

March 15, 2024 (Research Track)
April 26, 2024 (Student Spotlight Track)

May 1, 2024 (Research Track)
May 3, 2024 (Student Spotlight Track)

June 15-16, 2024


Research Track

There are two types of submissions: regular submissions for completed research papers of journal paper quality and research forum submissions for work-in-progress. We particularly encourage doctoral students and junior researchers also to submit their research. If completed, then the paper will be eligible for regular submission, else the paper can be submitted to the research forum.

At least one author for every accepted paper must register for the Symposium and be prepared to present their ideas. At the option of the authors at time of submission, papers can also be considered for publication in the International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (IJAIS).

  • ISAIS (Symposium Only) Submissions

    All papers must be submitted via EasyChair: (Research Track). Please make sure to provide anonymous manuscripts (no author names on the pdf).
  • ISAIS and IJAIS (Dual Consideration) Submissions

    At the authors’ prerogative, submitted papers can also be considered for publication in the International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (IJAIS). These papers should constitute original research that is not currently being considered for publication or has not been previously published elsewhere. For concurrent consideration at both the ISAIS Symposium and IJAIS, authors should submit their manuscripts using the Elsevier online submission system at:  and via EasyChair:

    Please clearly specify in your cover letters to IJAIS and ISAIS that your submission is a dual submission intended for presentation at ISAIS 2024.

PhD Student Spotlight Track

This edition will put PhD students in the spotlight, turning their attendance into a boost in their research mindset, skills, and network development. PhD students interested in actively engaging in the “PhD Student Spotlight” session are invited to submit an extended abstract (max. 2 pages) that describes their research.

All abstracts must be submitted via EasyChair: (PhD Student Spotlight Track).

Review process

The review process will include two reviews per paper. The aim is to have one review provided by an Accounting research PC member and one by an Information Systems PC member.

Program Committee

The PC chair is Mieke Jans (Hasselt University / Maastricht University). The PC consists of the following Accounting, Information Systems, and AIS researchers:

Helen Brown-Liburd (The State University of New Jersey, United States)
Michael Davern (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
Dennis Fehrenbacher (University of Sankt-Gallen, Switserland)
Gregory Gerard (Florida State University, USA)
Severin Grabski (Michigan State University, USA)
Peter Green (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Stewart Leech (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
Angela Liew (The University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Jan Mendling (HU Berlin, Germany)
Uday Murthy (University of South Florida, US)
Steve Sutton (University of Central Florida, USA)
Indrit Troshani (University of Adelaide, Australia)
Eddy Vaassen (Tilburg University, The Netherlands)
Miklos Vasarhelyi Rutgers (The State University of New Jersey, US)
Bernhard Wieder (University of Technology, Sydney)
Carla Wilkin (Monash University, Australia)